Podcasting is the Game-Changing Marketing Tool Every Entrepreneur Needs to Consider [ep. 26]

As entrepreneurs, we spend hours upon hours trying to provide the best content for our audience. Today, we’re going to uncover the most underrated marketing strategy out there, podcasting. You heard it right. Podcasting as a marketing tool can be just what your business needs. It’s often overlooked, and today I want to go through […]

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Marketing, Podcast

Is Batch Recording Best For You? Maybe, Maybe Not…plus 3 ways to help if it’s not for you [ep. 25]

If you have been in the podcasting space for any length of time, you have probably heard of a topic that is often heard of as a game changer, and that is batch recording, which is recording multiple episodes in a single sitting. But is it really the best fit for everyone? Well, maybe, but […]

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5 Reasons Why You Might Need a Podcast Refresh [ep. 24]

Are you feeling like your podcast needs a little sprucing up? Perhaps it’s not capturing the attention of your audience like it used to. Or maybe you’re just ready for a change. In a recent episode of Master Your Message, I shared reasons why a podcast refresh might be in order. Here are the top […]

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Content, Marketing, Podcast

Do Your Episode Titles Directly Relate to Downloads? [ep. 23]

Are you struggling to attract more downloads for your podcast episodes? Do you find yourself wondering why some episodes seem to effortlessly gain traction while others struggle to be noticed? The secret behind this phenomenon might just be hiding in plain sight: your episode titles. The Role of Episode Titles In episode 23 of “She […]

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customer service

How Great Customer Service Landed in Me Getting a New Client & Free Cookies [ep. 22]

Have you ever experienced exceptional customer service that made you not only want to return but also compelled you to share your experience with others? In this episode of She Podcasts With Purpose, I share how great customer service played a significant role in gaining a new client and even getting free cookies🍪. This podcast […]

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Unleash Your Authentic Self Through Podcasting [ep. 21]

Embracing Authenticity in Podcasting In a world filled with noise, authenticity is our superpower. Today we’re going to explore why being your genuine self is not just encouraged, but it’s essential when podcasting. The Definition and Importance of Authenticity in Podcasting I want to kick things off with just understanding what authenticity is. I actually […]

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Is Overthinking Holding You Back? How it Caused Me to Take a Podcast Break  [ep. 20]

The Struggle with Overthinking in Podcasting Do you ever get an idea, maybe even get excited, and then before you know it, you have just about talked yourself out of it? Well, that’s what today’s episode is all about, that horrible word, overthinking. And let me tell you, I have first-hand experience with this when […]

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Change is Coming!! A New Look, Style & Co-Host for Podcast With Purpose [ep. 13]

Are you scared or unsure of how to make a change? In this week’s episode, I talk about how change can be scary, but also necessary for growth.  After two months, I have had a lot of reflection on my initial vision for my podcast, Podcast with Purpose, which was to use my voice to […]

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Some of the Best Tools for Podcasters [ep. 12]

There are some incredible tools out there for podcasters that will help you produce and market a great podcast and grow your audience.  In this post, I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite podcast tools that podcasters should be using to produce and promote their podcast. If you are just starting a podcast, take […]

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Podcast, Tech Tips

When is the Right Time to Hire a Podcast Manager? [ep. 11]

Are you ready to hire a podcast manager?  I might be a bit biased, but with everything involved in managing a podcast, it’s probably a great idea to outsource your podcast management.  You can easily save yourself a lot of time by investing in a podcast manager.  Yes, it is a business investment rather than […]

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