Could Delegating Your Podcast Be the Change Your Business Needs? [ep. 56]

Hey there! In our latest episode, we took a deep dive into a topic that can be a complete game-changer for you: delegating your podcast tasks.

If you’re feeling stretched too thin, juggling both your podcast and your business responsibilities, this episode is for you. Let’s unpack why delegating podcast tasks can not only give you your time back but also propel your business forward.

The Time Crunch

One of the most valuable insights from episode 56 is the recognition that time is our most valuable resource. For business owners, every minute spent on low-impact tasks is a minute taken away from high-impact activities like client work, product development, and strategizing new offers. Podcasting is a fantastic marketing tool, but it can become a huge time drain if you’re trying to manage everything on your own.

High vs. Low-Impact Tasks

Think of your tasks in terms of high-impact and low-impact activities. High-impact tasks are directly tied to revenue generation and business growth, while low-impact tasks are necessary but don’t move the needle as much. Unfortunately, many podcasting tasks fall into the latter category. Here’s a closer look at some of the primary podcast tasks that you might consider delegating:

1. Editing: The most time-consuming part of podcasting. Let a professional handle this to ensure polished, high-quality episodes. Not only does it take the most time to do, but it takes the most time away from the other “revenue driven” tasks you could be doing…like client work.

2. Show Notes and Episode Descriptions: Hand off the writing of show notes and episode descriptions to free up even more of your time. Trying to think of what to say is just another thing you have to think about. Let someone else do that for you!

3. Graphic Creation for Social Media: If you’re not a graphic designer, this task can be a major time suck. Delegate this to a specialized professional.

4. Scheduling and Uploading: Ensure your episodes go live without a hitch by handing off the scheduling and uploading process.

5. Guest Management: From scheduling interviews to organizing audio files, guest management involves numerous steps. Outsource this to streamline your workflow and remove yourself from the back and forth.

Real-Life Success Stories

In the episode, I shared two examples of business owners who benefited tremendously from delegating their podcast tasks:

*The Solopreneur Coach: Initially doing it all herself, she was overwhelmed and inconsistent with her publishing schedule. After delegating editing and episode descriptions and scheduling, she now focuses more on her own clients and creating new offers. Her podcast is now more consistent and reaches a broader audience being on all the platforms.

*The Online Course Creator: She was on the brink of giving up her podcast due to the time it was taking away from her course creation. Once she outsourced the podcast tasks, she focused on launching her course and saw an increase in course enrollments. Meanwhile, her podcast continues to grow and attract new students.

The Bigger Picture

Delegating your podcast tasks is not just about lightening your workload. It’s about freeing up your time to focus on the core aspects of your business. When you delegate, you reduce burnout, maintain consistency, and improve the overall quality of your podcast. You’ll be better positioned to create valuable content and strengthen your connection with your audience.

Simplify Your Podcasting Journey

Imagine what you could achieve with more time and mental energy for your business! If you’re ready to simplify your podcasting process, consider outsourcing your tasks. Here’s how you can take the next steps:

– Book a Call: Let’s discuss your unique needs and how we can tailor services to help you.

– Visit My Website: Explore the full range of services I offer and see what you may need help with.

– Reach out on Instagram with any questions or for more information. I’m happy to help!

I’m here to make podcasting easier for you, so you can continue to do what you do best. Enjoy your podcasting journey and create exceptional content without the overwhelm!





  • Podcast Hosting: Captivate (7-day free trial with my affiliate link)


Welcome to Make Podcasting Simple, the show for busy business owners who want to use their podcast as a powerful marketing tool without the overwhelm. 

Whether you’re a solopreneur, coach, or course creator, this podcast is here to help you simplify your podcasting process so it fits seamlessly into your schedule. 

Get practical tips, actionable strategies, and systems that will make podcasting feel manageable and fun—because running a business is busy enough!

Let’s make podcasting simple!