How Batching Keeps Her Podcast Running Smoothly [ep. 53]

In episode 53 of the podcast, I invited Zeba McGibbon from The Kindergarten Cafe Podcast to shed some light on the power of batching. From tasks to strategic content planning, and consistent podcast production.

Embracing the Batching Method

One of the key takeaways from this episode is the significance of batching in alleviating the overwhelming nature of content creation. Zeba shares her journey of shifting to batching tasks, a method that has not just reduced her stress but also freed up time for other creative pursuits. The idea is simple—break up your tasks into manageable chunks to avoid feeling swamped. This approach doesn’t only streamline your workflow but also boosts your confidence and experience over time.

The Mindset of Preparation

Starting a new project can be daunting, especially when it involves the intricate world of podcasting. Zeba’s insight emphasizes the importance of preparing your mindset before diving into podcast production. She candidly shares her struggle with handling the technological aspects of podcasting, revealing that is the reason she hired me to help manage the setup and editing, enabling her to focus on content.

Long-Term Commitment and Perseverance

Podcasting isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Zeba’s journey reminds us of the long-term commitment required to build a podcast audience. It’s about consistency, planning, and allowing space for unexpected changes. It’s important to leave some buffer space in your content calendar. This not only offers flexibility but also ensures you stay on top of your podcasting game.

Engagement and Connection

Unlike blogging, podcasting allows listeners to connect with your voice, fostering deeper engagement. Zeba shares her experience of receiving more feedback via email, Instagram messages, and Facebook comments for her podcast compared to her blog. The ability to hear the passion in her voice has evidently resonated more profoundly with her audience.

Strategic Content Planning

Zeba’s strategic approach to content planning has been instrumental in her podcast’s success. She recommends mapping out themes or topics for the entire year, providing clarity and purpose to your content creation. This method not only saves time but also helps in aligning your episodes with marketing and promotional efforts.

Building a Content Bank

Having a content bank is a game-changer. As I have discussed in previous episodes, setting a timer and focusing on creating a batch of topics for episodes can maximize productivity without feeling pressured. Zeba’s method involves planning and outlining her episodes weeks in advance, finding a day with ample time to record, and then diving into the flow of production without interruptions.

A Word of Encouragement

For those hesitant to start a podcast, we have a message for you—growth comes with time and consistent effort. Don’t worry about the slow start; focus on building a library of episodes. This not only benefits your audience but also provides a valuable resource pool that you can reference and promote.






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Welcome to Master Your Message! A show designed to help female entrepreneurs make an impact and grow their business through podcasting. I am Allison Nitsch, a former educator turned podcast manager with a clear mission: assisting YOU in using your voice through podcasting. 

You have a message to share! Someone out there needs to hear what you have to offer. Let’s get your voice out there and make a difference!

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