3 Steps to Come Up with Enough Content for an Entire Month, Quarter..or YEAR!! [ep. 51]

Ever stared at a blank screen, wondering what on earth you’ll talk about next? You’re definitely not alone. Today, we’re breaking down the key insights from Episode 51 on Master Your Message on how to come up with enough content—so you’ll never run dry of episode ideas again.

Step 1: Leverage Past Questions

One of the most effective ways to generate content is by addressing questions your audience has already asked you. These could come from clients, social media followers, or even everyday conversations.

Why this works:

  • If one person has asked a question, it’s likely that many others have the same query but haven’t voiced it.
  • Questions often touch upon the pain points and interests of your audience, making your content highly relevant.

How to do it:

  1. Compile a list of questions you’ve received via email, direct messages, or face-to-face interactions.
  2. Turn each question into a separate episode topic or, if they are related, combine multiple questions into one comprehensive episode.

Step 2: Conduct Market Research

Sometimes, inspiration can come from understanding what the larger public is curious about.

Why this works:

  • Market research helps you understand what’s trending in your industry, and what people are actively seeking information on.
  • It provides a broader perspective and ensures your content remains top of mind and engaging.

How to do it:

  1. Use Google and Pinterest: Start typing your area of expertise into the search bar and note the autocomplete suggestions. These are frequently searched terms that can serve as content ideas.
  2. Poll your audience: Utilize features on social media platforms like Instagram polls or Twitter questions to ask your followers what they’d like to hear about next.

Step 3: Repurpose Old Blogs

If you have a backlog of blog posts, you’re sitting on a goldmine of potential podcast episodes.

Why this works:

  • Many followers prefer audio content over written, so converting your blogs into podcasts can reach a wider audience.
  • Repurposing content saves time while giving new life to valuable information you’ve already created.

How to do it:

  1. Select blogs that have performed well or are evergreen in nature.
  2. Extract the key points and structure them into an engaging audio format.
  3. Avoid reading verbatim from your blog. Instead, use the main ideas as bullet points and speak naturally around them. You know your content better than anyone. Let them hear you say it!

Bonus Tip: Utilize Chat GPT

As a last resort, don’t shy away from harnessing the power of AI for brainstorming.

Why this works:

  • AI tools can provide a fresh perspective and may suggest topics you hadn’t considered.
  • They help in filling gaps when your creative well runs dry.

How to do it:

  1. Train Chat GPT by feeding it information about your podcast’s focus and audience.
  2. Ask it to generate topic ideas based on your niche and sift through the suggestions for inspiration.

When it comes down to it…

  • Gather and respond to your audience’s questions.
  • Conduct market research to find trending topics.
  • Repurpose existing blog content into new podcast episodes.
  • Use AI tools like Chat GPT for additional inspiration.

Creating a content bank isn’t rocket science; it’s a strategic approach to ensuring you always have a wealth of episode ideas. By following these steps, you’ll never be stuck wondering what to talk about next. 

Happy podcasting!






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Welcome to Master Your Message! A show designed to help female entrepreneurs make an impact and grow their business through podcasting. I am Allison Nitsch, a former educator turned podcast manager with a clear mission: assisting YOU in using your voice through podcasting. 

You have a message to share! Someone out there needs to hear what you have to offer. Let’s get your voice out there and make a difference!

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