Following Your Intuition Changes Everything!! [ep. 47]

I have a very special post for you today. Recently, life has thrown me some curveballs that sidelined me for two weeks. While I felt immense guilt for not releasing episodes during that period, something I heard Oprah say about intuition shifted everything for me. 

Today, I want to share that wisdom with you and how it impacted my life, my business, and yes, my very own podcast.

The Disruption

For those who have been following the podcast, Master Your Message, you may know my goal for 2024 is to release an episode every week. But, life had other plans. 

Personal challenges turned my world upside down, creating a two-week gap in my content schedule. 

Normally, I would have stressed myself out about it—asking endless questions like, “Did anyone notice?” and “Why am I so worried?” But then, I remembered Oprah’s life-changing words.

Hearing Oprah On A Podcast

I discovered Jamie Kern Lima’s podcast recently and, queue the fanfare, her first guest was none other than Oprah Winfrey! 

Oprah’s insights, shared during that episode, particularly hit home for me. They led to a profound shift in my thinking. Here’s what I learned:

Listen to Your Intuition

Oprah discussed the idea of “little whispers” or intuitions that we often ignore in favor of seeking external validation. I am absolutely guilty of this—consulting friends and family, waiting for that nod of approval, and then feeling stuck if I don’t get it. Oprah’s insight was clear: follow your intuition. These small whispers are your guideposts, and ignoring them can lead to something as dramatic as hitting a brick wall or getting caught in a tsunami of confusion and failed attempts.

Do It Your Way

Another invaluable lesson was the importance of doing things your way. Oprah’s talk show succeeded because she stopped trying to emulate the chaotic drama of other  talk show hosts and chose a different, more meaningful path. Her success was a testament to the power of authenticity. This prompted me to ask myself: What do I want? Why not do things my own way?

Life’s Too Short for Regrets

Given the difficult news of my dad’s health, life’s fragility has never been more evident to me. Oprah’s guiding philosophy came into sharp focus—life is too short to be lived on others’ terms. The courage to follow my own path and make mistakes feels more critical than ever.

Let’s Do This Together

I challenge both you and me to start journaling those little whispers. Record them as they come, whether in a journal or on your phone. Let’s see what consistencies emerge and where they lead us. If certain thoughts keep resurfacing, maybe it’s time we give them the attention they deserve.

The Power of Podcasting

This whole experience once again highlighted the transformative potential of podcasting. Listening to that enlightening conversation between Oprah and Jamie enriched my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I am grateful that such powerful voices find their way to us through this platform.

My friends, let’s empower ourselves to make our own choices, trust our journey, and live a life that’s authentically ours. 

Share this episode and this blog post with someone you believe needs to hear this. 

Together, let’s embrace our intuitions and recognize the validity of our own inner voices.

Until next time, keep mastering your message!





  • Podcast Hosting: Captivate (7-day free trial with my affiliate link)


Welcome to Master Your Message! A show designed to help female entrepreneurs make an impact and grow their business through podcasting. I am Allison Nitsch, a former educator turned podcast manager with a clear mission: assisting YOU in using your voice through podcasting. 

You have a message to share! Someone out there needs to hear what you have to offer. Let’s get your voice out there and make a difference!

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